💻Install for arm devices

This guide will teach you how to achieve morpheus launcher install on ARM® based devices

If you have an ARM® based device like Raspberry Pi or similiar, morpheus launcher gives compatibility with these systems


Unfortunately on linux morpheus launcher gui isn't natively available, but you can run the x86_64 one through a emulation/compatibility layer like FEX

  1. Install FEX emulator

curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FEX-Emu/FEX/main/Scripts/InstallFEX.py --output /tmp/InstallFEX.py && python3 /tmp/InstallFEX.py && rm /tmp/InstallFEX.py
  1. Follow the guide linked below

⚙️pageAutomatic Install


On apple silicon macs morpheus launcher can run natively, just follow these simple steps

  1. Follow the guide linked below

⚙️pageAutomatic Install


On windows is same as macos

  1. Follow the guide linked below

⚙️pageAutomatic Install

Last updated