⌨️Command Line Usage

Unlike the native flutter gui, the "core" application of Morpheus Launcher is written in Java and pratically is compatible with every combination of operating system and processor. In this guide you learn how to use morpheus launcher from commandline, even when flutter gui isn't available.

JVM Arguments


  • This is a JVM argument that specifies where natives is located, minecraft requires this because lwjgl has native libraries that should be loaded into jvm, here below a quick example how the path should be passed to jvm argument

java -Djava.library.path="~/.minecraft/versions/1.8.9/natives/" -jar Launcher.jar [options]

Launcher arguments


  • This argument specifies which version the launcher should launch. it is able to accept any value that is given to it as long as it recognizes the json to be able to parse it and start the game, so it is possible to give it version names vanilla, optifine, forge, and even fabric. when the latter is recognized it is installed directly by the launcher itself. Below you will find a couple of examples.

-v fabric-loader-0.15.1-1.20.4
-v 1.8.9-OptiFine_HD_U_M5


  • this parameter specifies the in-game username to Minecraft, it can be up to 16 characters long

-n TestPlayer

-minecraftToken <token>

  • this parameter is provided to the game to be able to authenticate with premium servers, however it can also accept any other value in the case of offline/non-premium players, here is an example:

-t 0

-minecraftUUID <uuid>

  • this parameter defines player uuid, this doesn't seem to have much effect but is recommended to give the correct uuid related to nickname

-u bb77495aa7403169a23869654c8bd2c1

Bonus info: in minecraft the uuid for sp accounts is derived from an md5 digest and by appending OfflinePlayer: before the username. for example: OfflinePlayer:TestPlayer

If you need more clearer informations here a table with all arguments

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