⚙️Automatic Install

This guide will explain to you how to install morpheus launcher by using an automated installer

Prerequisites: CPU: Intel / AMD processor (x86_64 / amd64 / Apple Silicon) OS: Win / Mac / Linux (64 bit) Env: Java 8 (download)

  1. Download morpheus updater from this link and place into a folder you find convenient, since you will use updater to keep launcher automatically updated.

Updater requires network access to download launcher files, remember to allow it on your firewall

  1. Once you have run Updater.jar a window will appear like this below

  1. Wait for the download completion, the gui of launcher will appear as shown, if not take a look to troubleshooting section

Note for macos users, if flutter gui ask for microphone permission click deny becasue the program doesn't use it and doesn't need, probability there is a bug in sdk or used libraries that has entitlements that shouldn't have

  1. If you achieved this point, now you have morpheus launcher successfully installed!

Bonus tip: to add account click the face placed at navigation bar

Last updated